You know what seriously makes me RAGE?

Mar 24, 2011 21:46

Answer: All those people who protest and kick up such a big fuss about a proposed carbon tax in Australia when they HAVE NO FUCKING IDE AABOUT WHAT IT IS! Seriously! I mean fair enough if you understand it, and all the science behind it, and choose not to support it, because then you will have made an informed opinion and I can not fault you for that.


I am willing to bet $100 that 90% of the people protesting and whinging on facebook etc have no clue about what it entails. Case in point, I just went on to a carbon tax protester site on fb. Comments included:

a) "We'll loose our jobs."
Actually, no, you won't. In actual fact more jobs will be CREATED due to administration of the tax and ETS. (And do you people even know what a ETS is? I don't mean what ETS stands for, I mean what it IS?) As for jobs that are directly associated with greenhouse gas emissions ie agri, mining etc, they still won't disappear as demand for products will still be there. China isn't all of a sudden going to want to stop buying our iron ore because of this!

b) "No-one gives us the facts, we need to know so we can make an informed decision on whether or not we ant this."
Ok, seriously, the IPCC, Australian bureau of Metreology, Garnaut Review, NAS, etc ALL of them have fact sheets on this. They aren't long, only a page or so, three max. More importantly, they're written in a language that allows even the most retarded, idiotic person like you to be able to understand it.

c) "Gas/petrol/fuel/water prices will go up, the cost of living will get too high"
Newsflash; these commodities have all been rising anyway, amd you know why? Because they have been undervalued for so long! Regardless of whether a carbon tax is implemented or not they WILL CONTINUE TO RISE!
Also, on that note, the gov will subsidize households for further expenses anyway, so what are you whinging about?
Even further, water prices will not rise due to a carbon tax. You know why? You don't release carbon in the manufacture of water. So sit down and shut up!

d) "Julia Gillard is a liar and went back on her word."
This ones my personal favorite. Let's count how many times Tony Abbotts gone back on his word hey? Too many to count. But it does include him stating climate change is "absolute crap" in 2008, which he has now denied is true, even though it is in multiple media formats. Also, Abbott used to be under the Downer party in the previous political era. Ie he supported a tax! Of course retarded protesters don't think about this do they? And even in modern day terms, Abbott is ALSO voting for a greenhouse gas reduction scheme. Granted, it isn't a tax, but it is what they call enforcement policies. This means that companies will be forced through legislation to change their ways and thus prices will rise anyway!

Of course lets not forget that Abbott is the same dickhead who said: "Aboriginals must do the jobs there for them, and if all they are suitable for is picking up rubbish, well then they have to do it" and "women will never reach the success of men in the workforce as they are psychologically, mentally, and academically inferior. It is a proven fact" and "abortion is the easy way out, now wonder so many women choose it, women of today lack morals".

e) "Climate change is bullshit, it doesn't exist, increasing average temperatures are just that, an average, so half the time there are temps below that, ergo we're UNDER average temps for the last 100,000 years, so why is it so important now?"
NO. NO. NO. That is not how an average works in this context! The average YEARLY temperature is rising you douches, not that we're under the average temperature OF ALL TIME!

f) Temperatures are decreasing in Europe and England, the UK just had one of their coldest winters on record, ergo CC is a scam"
Yes, temps are decreasing, because of the atmospheric and oceanic circulation patterns that are being impacted by CO2 emissions. Also melting glaciers disrupt the thermohaline circulation, thus causing the cold temps. (But you they don't even know what that is either).

g) There's not actually that much CO2 in our atmosphere, it's like 450 parts per million, that's nothing!
Dude, seriously, if I put 45 mls of arsenic in your drink would you still drink it? No. Because it's not how much it is it's how much it is in relevance to it's starting point and WHAT it is as well.

h) It is widely viewed that a carbon tax is the way to go. International and national economists, scientists etc have all stated that a tax will be the scheme that cause the least disruption economically, and the easiest scheme to transcend international borders. And yes, it will need to in the future. Kyoto agreement expires in 2012 and soon another will be put in place. Give it a few years but it WILL happen, and the earliest developed nations prepare for it the better off we'll be.

ok...this has turned more into a rant on climate skeptics.

Soooo tempted to post this on facebook but I know people will slam me down for it. Fuck em!

fail, nerdiness, geek, geography, political jibberish

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