(no subject)

Feb 06, 2011 20:09

Sooo. It's kind of scary here at the moment. I live in a hilly, bushy (or thick forest for those not in Australia) area on the outskirts of Perth. Bushfires (again wildfires I beleive are the global lingo) are not uncommon in this area. High temps, lots of leaf litter - it happens. Round midday today we got wind that there was a fire in Kelmscott, the neighbouring town. Decided to mosey on to a lookout ( we live in a hilly range) about 6 mins from our house to see how bad it was. Got there to find quite a few other people already there, and reports eight homes had already been destroyed. Eight. I just, I can't even imagine losing your home. And these are not rural areas, it's highly populated landsites, surrounded by brush and trees.

The really bad factor in all of this was the wind. It was strong, ie v.v. bad for fires. I started to get a bit scared and so the family went back home to check FESA updates. On the way home we pass smoke/fire. Really, really close. About 5 mins drive from our house. At the same time police, fire and at least four ambulances were screaming around. Cue my sister and I getting home racing around trying to pack all of the important stuff, while Dad of course stays calm and talks on the radio to one of his friends. Men! Cars all packed and FESA have updated that up to Murphy* Street should evacuate within twenty minutes or risk death. There is one street between us and Murphy. At this stage we are completely freaking out. Sure, fires are a part of life here, but never this close, and these streets are FULL of houses.

Luckily then we find out that the local evac centre is at the local hall, about another two streets away. By then listening to news bulletins we learn the gale force winds are luckily headed AWAY from our house. Thankyou God. Jeese, I can't even begin to imagine loosing my house. At the same time I feel bad for those where the fire is going. Over 35 homes have known to be destroyed, plus a school or two. We're still not in the clear, about eight hours after it started it's still completely out of control. In addition the major highway into our town has had it's bridge burnt down, whilst the other way out of the town is in the middle of national park that is on fire. The only way out of the town now is along another national park route towards inland WA, away from the metro area. Therefore there is no way I will be going to work today. Roads impassible is a pretty good excuse I think. And if the wind changes we're screwed.

It's horrible though. There's massive flooding and cyclones in Australias' northeast states, and now out of control fires here. Plus more flooding into Aus Southeast. Man, the powers that be do not like Australia at the moment. And FESA are not at all helpfull. 2-3 hr bulletins are not enough people.

Anyway. The power is back on now, so I'm trying to see if all friends and pets are ok. I know several were forcibly evacuated, with a few who live on Murphy* street aswell. Scary, don't think I'll be getting any sleep tonight.

bushfires, get freaky

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