This post contains spoiler for (and if you don't know this from the title, you probably don't need the warning) BSG.
So the final model is not Billy, but it may as well be since the character is dead. Instead it's further proof that the writers have not got a fucking plan. Tigh's wife was supposed to be a one episode character, but the writers have such a hard on for irrational women who cause the people around them to do stupid shit (and really liked the actress) that they kept her around. So, yeah, even the revelation of the last one couldn't possibly have been planned.
And the new mystery is what? That Starbuck is something else? Oh, for fuck's sake, the last thing I need is more Starbuck fucks up the lives of those around her. You are the Harbinger of Lame and you will bring boredom to us all!
Can anyone explain the webisodes? She says in almost the same breathe that she betrayed her own number to be with him and that she was working with the cylons to kill all the people on his list? It seemed like the entire series was simply an attempt to retcon that scene where Felix attacked Baltar so that it was because Baltar threatened to expose his role in executing resistance members. Except that that would only make sense if Felix were giving her names of resistance members, which would then make the scene where they tried to airlock his ass not make any sense because the whole source of dramatic tension there was that he didn't know who the resistance was and they didn't know who their informant was.
I hope there will be commentaries. I'm looking forward to yelling at the CD player on a long drive in the future.