last night my hand woke me up in a furor
i mindlessly and mechanically searched for its partners
the notebook and pen were surprisingly close just before dawn
this is not a dream
it was a vision?
there was a dark swelling of clouds above
it came on suddenly for the seas were calm
and reflected the stars just until recently
the people came out of their slumber
as if in a trance and looked stayward
they began to chant the ancient and forbidden languages
which only the outcasts spoke
in their secret ceremonies down by the water
movement was sporadic and restless
this time they wanted it
they didnt fight this dark, silent storm
but let it penetrate them and fill them
with whatever it was composed of
almost as soon as they surrendered
emptyness filled their breaths from their bodies
and the experiment was fruitless
the dark, silent storm only hid behind the mountains
and some perhaps soaked into the sea
and all through the night
their feet and leg bones ached
and were constantly in motion
tangled in messy sheets
their arms flailed in and out of conscienceness
their fingers constantly finding flame
where they attepmted to rest
the comfort in the sun was only a distraction
from the confusion and terror the dark night had planned
so they shake through their days
fighting the vivid memories that lie in their chests
crying out to the mystery of the storm's origin
it hopes of ending this torture
that comes with the moon
and controls their rhythm of breathing
I'd like some feedback not on the style of it or anything like that but on the symbolism of it. i have an almost perfect idea what all of it means but some of you can see things that i cannot. So, in person or on here or in a letter or whatever. Especially Nathan, Nate, Cathy, Tim, Kelly, Alex and whoever. if you guys have the time or want to, it would be cool.