(no subject)

Feb 22, 2009 14:40

Today is Sunday and Sunday has always been something of a pointless day to me. I'm sure that if I was working then I would be wholeheartedly glad for HUD two days of escapism but Sunday is a dead day to me, it doesn't seem to exist.

Normally I look out of the window on a Sunday and see an empty urban environment and occassionally see the old man going out for a walk and, him being of fragile health, taking about five years with it. So it's therefore perfect Sunday viewing. For several hundred years, a great institution in this country is to watch Antique's Roadshow. For those who don't know, this is a programme where people bring all their old things and a flamboyant and occassionally homosexual (although the BBC clearly tries to tone this down) expert will tell you what it's worth. Perfect viewing to lull you into a state of readiness for the working week ahead. Although I admit to a fondness for the programme, you can't help but feel that your time might be better spent on something that might actually cheer you up.

It's almost to a point where it feels like Sunday is the day of yourgrandad / ageing parents. A good friend of mind once pointed out that his 67 year old retired father always goes shopping on a Saturday afternoon.


He has a good point. This man could go out any day of the week and at any time and yet still chooses to go out on the busiest day of the week to add to the already huddled masses, this making it more difficult for him and a little more difficult for everyone else.

Personally there's little I dislike more than going out on a busy Saturday afternoon, especially when I have a choice in the matter. But I have a theory on this.

Despite the fact that so many people will claim that retirement is the time of your life, it rarely is. You miss your old routine that you'd.been doing for the past...well it's been so long you can barely remember. You miss being amongst people and that Saturday afternoon is an extention on feeling like you still belong to the relevant world outside of your own family. And to be honest this is how I am personally feeling right now.

I regret leaving my last job though it wasn't really a choice I had to make. I wanted what I now have but more. It's been around Dix months since I arrived here and still I have no employment. I can't help but think when I'm in a branch of HMV or Zara why I'm being greeted by the closest thing to a caveman since our evolution when I applied for his job not three months ago.

My most teeth-grating item of displeasure right now however is this:

Hi m8 ow r u 2day

People who a dragging the literacy level of this country down like a balloon filled with a rhino. It's just the sheer amount of people who are doing it that I find shocking. Even my own mum does it from time to time albeit broken text talk (there's an ironic sentence). I am usually of the opinion of 'each to their own' but I'm a little tired of it being thrust in my face especially when I meet people who actually TALK like it! I just want to shout 'wot ten fcku is ron with u???'.

And this is the problem.. Employers are forced to employ without prejudice and I am all for this, of course, when people actually deserve the job but a lot of these numbskulls are being employed for better jobs wheras ten years ago they'd have been laughed out.

Maybe I'm just worn out by having very little going on in my life. Think I'll go out shopping on Manchester's high street next Saturday afternoon in my tweed and flat cap and try to speak English to some British people and see if we can hold a conversation.

boredom depressed

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