Offer: One fic of no less than 1500 words, no more than 5000 words, or can be broken up into smaller drabble if you wish. I will write from the following fandoms and relationships:
Heroes: Mohinder/Sylar, Mohinder/Elle, Mohinder/Sylar/Elle, Sylar/Luke, Mohinder/Luke
Star Trek: Garak/Bashir, Worf/Riker, Worf/Troi, Worf/Troi/Riker, Spock/McCoy, Spock/Uhura, Archer/T'Pol, Archer/Shran, T'pol/Hoshi
Doctor Who: Nine/Rose, Nine/Mickey, Ten/Martha, Ten/Mickey; Doctor (Nine or Ten), Rose, Martha, Donna, Mickey frienship.
Animorphs: Jake, Tobias, Ax, Marco frienship
Examples of my writing Genre: I'm pretty handy with crack, romance, angst, character introspective, and AU. Not that much at action-adventure, horror, mystery.
Rating: G-NC17
Restrictions: Pregnancy or mpreg/fempreg, kidfic, threesomes/moresomes sex scenes or at least nothing too detailed (too many bodies to take into account!), death fic, water sports, guro, vore, noncon (I can try dubcon).
Contact Info: blossommorphine [at] hotmail [dot] com, or pm me here.
Delivery Method: I can have it done by March 1st, and will either email you the attached document or post on LJ, as you request.
Minumum Bid: $5
Buy It Now: $50