Offer: Fanfic

Nov 27, 2009 10:59

Offer: Fan fiction of no less than 1,500 words, for any of the following fandoms/pairings. However, I don't write NC-17. I can do R, but nothing more than that. Let me know what you want.

Glee: Any combination of the following characters: Finn, Will, Kurt, Puck, Artie, Mike Chang, Matt Rutherford. Also Finn/Rachel/Quinn or Rachel/Quinn, or any gen fic you want with any characters... if there's another you want, ask, but I probably won't do het.
RENT: Mark/Roger
Twilight: Jacob/Bella
Queer as Folk US: Brian/Justin
Harry Potter: Remus/Sirius, Sirius/James, Harry/Ron, Harry/Ginny, Harry/Ron/Hermione, James/Lily, Remus/Sirius/James, and if there's another you want, ask
How I Met Your Mother: Barney/Ted

Contact Info: starryskies @ livejournal . com
Delivery Method: Whatever you want. Email or LJ are probably the best
Minumum Bid: $5
Buy It Now: $30
Note: You can find most of my fic here and my Glee fic here

fandom:queer as folk us, fandom:how i met your mother, fandom:rent, seller:starryskies, item:fanfic, fandom:harry potter, fandom:twilight, fandom:glee

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