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betta329 September 5 2011, 15:50:14 UTC
you make me miss hih for the first time in years


hope_guides_me September 5 2011, 15:52:52 UTC
You could come back!!

(Does that mean you like the tags?)


betta329 September 5 2011, 16:34:03 UTC
I love them! They're great. When I left the mods were pretty pissed about my stance regarding the hufflepuff house and said that if I left I would not be welcomed back. Shrug. It was a few years ago. The mod that was in charge was someone who had an emmy rossum theme on her journal for the longest time, and I remember my complaint was against a "prefect" named Neely who was badgering people to participate and threatening to kick people for lack of participation, so I requested to change houses, they denied, and then I said can you talk to this guy then and they said no and if I left that was it. I dunno. Maybe things have changed...


hope_guides_me September 5 2011, 17:07:04 UTC
How many years ago? I bet I know the mod in charge.. and I don't think she's in charge anymore. Sas is in charge, now. I think you would be welcomed back. I bet no one would remember you. You could get resorted and everything!!


betta329 September 5 2011, 19:21:52 UTC
3 I think. I miss the rp and hogsmeade weekends A LOT! You think I should message someone or should I just reapply?


hope_guides_me September 7 2011, 20:23:46 UTC
Ohhh, yeah. The RP has been closed down for a WHILE. I think you should just reapply. I'm almost positive that HiH is under completely different management. I think Bunny (unwoundfantasy) was in charge when you were last a member.


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