Obviously I'm a liar because I need something to occupy my mind till the library opens and I can get lost in literature about old testament exegesis and stop thinking about my mum and hospitals and that I want to be with her ... besides the fact that I read some episode reviews and seriously got sick of people telling me this episode sucked (not to mention that I'm generally fed up with most of the attitude of the fandom this season in regard to Sam and Dean's relationship and the habit of favoring one character by abusing the other ... and no, I won't rant about that, not now at least).
So, here it goes:
Episode review of incoherence
- This episode? Didn't suck at all.
- Castiel? Didn't miss him at all. Gosh ... why does everybody miss him so much? I don't get it. I get that Misha looks hot awesome and I really like his hair that they added an (supposedly) angel to the mix ... but seriously? We get an episode in which the brothers spill all their secrets to each other and yell at each other and there's angst and hurt and all you complain is about Castiel missing? Come on ... the tag line of Supernatural is two brothers travelling the backroads of America ... not two brothers and one angel.
- Dean? I wasn't okay with him punching Sam, because that's three times he did it and Sam didn't raise his hand against him once (well, at least not when he wasn't possessed). Talk about self-control and idolising (is that even a word?). Yet somehow, I understand it. Dean doesn't know how to reach Sam ... he even goes so far as to tell him God doesn't want Sam to exorcize demons. That's a really low blow considering how Sam clings to faith and I think Dean knows that and that's why he says it - not because he's suddenly a believer and obedient follower of God's army. Not Dean. No, Dean uses the only thing he knows of to get Sam to reconsider his choices. Also, I see Dean calling Castiel "Cas" not as a sign of a close relationship (and I won't even go into the whole slash-department ... hasn't anyone seen Dogma and the infamous diner scene with Alan Rickmann?), but more as a throwaway remark. Ridicule a name and you ridicule the person - or in this case the angel.
- Sam? Who would have guessed ... we got Sam insight! Wohoo! *does the happy dance* The "I've got demon blood in me!"-scene may or may not rapidly become one of my favorite scenes of all time. Love his tone, love his pronounciation ... and he said "through" *squee*! I also love the way he's desperate for Dean to understand what's going on with him and that he finally realizes that, whatever he does, he's not doing it for Dean or angels or God or Ruby, but he has to do it for himself. If I believe him it's another question. He also broke my heart in this episode - repeatedly. From his look when he saw Dean in that warehouse to the hurt in his voice after Dean had punched him, to his nose-pinching while talking to Travis (Headaches? Come on ... my inner limp!girl needs repercussions of the psychic!powers), to his talking to Jack while trying to save Dean. Jared blew it out the park.
- Motw? I felt bad for Jack and I wanted to kick Travis' butt. Ultimately it was him who got Jack to eat. Maybe he would have stand a chance if Travis hadn't pushed him with threatening to kill his wife ... which brings me to another point. Maybe it's because it's an US-show, but normally, when you're pregnant and don't want the baby you can ... you know, abort it. Travid wouldn't have needed to kill the wife. That really bugs me. Having read a lot about the topic I get that abortion is a huge issue in the States cramped with all kind of disputes and opposing religious beliefs and so on ... but I don't get why. Maybe it's the way of Old Europe (alas ... I will never get tired of using that term. Thanks, Bush.), which doesn't mean I don't care about the topic. I do. I thought about it a lot and have an opinion, but I don't feel the urge to slap somebody senseless because his/her oppinion differs from mine. Ups, I kinda elaborated on this for quite a while, didn't I? It's just that I'm quite curious about it. (Sidenote: I didn't find this week's gore especially .. gory - contrary to most people - I even ate breakfast while watching and didn't feel funny about it like I normally do. What's up with me?)
- Overall impression? I think Supernatural is well on the way to deliver its finest season so far. I'm thinking they won't go the Dean vs. Sam route, but something in the middle. I think this season is about walking a fine line between good and evil and making the right choices ... let's hope it comes down to the choice of being brothers and not letting anything get between Sam'n'Dean.