The entry in which I squee just a little bit

Jan 19, 2008 12:24

I'm just going to squee for a little bit long time, because I just found this in spnstoryfinders (lj community in which people ask for specific stories of Supernatural they can't find anymore or stories with a certain theme):

Sam's Peanut Allergy
I don't want to give too many spoilers about this fic, but it was definitely post AHBL 2, as there is mention of Dean's Deal,
1/ Sam almost dies from a peanut allergy that suddenly shows up
2/ There is a scene where Dean is clearing out the car, looking for Peanut M&Ms
3/ Dean beats up a boy/young man who throws peanuts at Sam at the pictures

And you know what? I'm 99% sure that's my story "Forever is tomorrow is today"!!!!!! *does the happy happy dance* Somebody is actually searching for my fic!! You'll probably don't understand my excitment about it, but that somebody actually wants to find my fic again since he/she's lost it, is simply awesome.
Now let's jsut hope it's really my fic that was wanted.


I just watched the very first teaser for the Star Trek movie coming this Christmas. Doesn't look like ST at all, but I'm all for new looks and pretty actors and a good story - so count me in!


And because I love filling out lists and I hadn't one yet this month:

1.) What do you think about the Supernatural magazine? If you haven't read an issue yet, what do you think about the magazines from what you've read/heard about them?
I looked through scans and it was quite interesting. They didn't tell me much I don't already know, but hey, reading interviews with Jared never gets boring.

2.) Do you feel the Supernatural: Origins comics are helping you to better understand the Supernatural verse/the history of our characters? Or do you think we could do just as well without the comics?
Sadly, I have to choose the second one. I can't seem to fit the stuff I know from the show with the things they told us in the comics. Not only are they sometimes plain wrong (Shapeshifter anyone?) and confusing (Impala anyone?), they are drawn in an ugly way and they also featuring wee!Dean ready to leave wee!Sam behind ... yeah, as if this would happen ... ever. Nevertheless I love my copies since they are original merchandise.

3.) What was your favorite aspect of the world Dean created in "What Is and What Should Never Be"?
The family. Dean having a girlfriend and a steady home with their mum alive. But him and Sam not getting along? Ouch.

4.) In "Devil's Trap" (season 1 finale), Dean said, "I swear to God I will march into hell, myself, and I will slaughter each and every one of you evil sons of bitches." Do you think when Dean's Deadly Demon Deal comes to a conclusion anyone will be doing any marching into hell? Or do you think Sam will save him before the very last second? Or something else?
Sam will save him before he goes to hell. I don't know how, but I can't bear any more damaged psyche of Dean and hell would do exactly that to him. So no, I don't want my characters altered in that way.

5.) Ruby is sort of like the Meg of season 3-- she even has a thing for Sam! Do you prefer Ruby or Meg? Please explain your answer.
I love Ruby. I had to wait for season 3 till somebody pointed out how tall Sam is. Just for this sentence alone I love her. Also, she didn't shot Sam (Bela needs to die or at least vanish under mysterious circumstances - quickly) and her way of "I have a big secret hidden under my jacket" doesn't get on my nerves - contrary to Bela.
I also liked Meg, but I find Ruby more interesting.

And because I feel like it ...

supernatural, fanfiction, star trek

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