Wann kommt endlich die dritte Staffel von Supernatural?

Jul 30, 2007 09:59

Ich hab die Texte in meinem Lj ein wenig umgestaltet und persönlicher gemacht ... ich mag die Sonnenstrahlen *grins*.

Gleich werde ich zur Wohnheimverwaltung fahren und meinen Vertrag verlängern. Dann geht es zur Stadtbibo, wo ich insgesamt sieben (hu?) CDs abgeben werde, bevor es in die Bibo der Theo geht um mehr Lesestoff für meine Hausarbeiten zu besorgen *seufz*. Ich hoffe, dass das endlich reicht und ich morgen abend in Berlin sitzen werde. *dezenter Hinweis*


I really need to stop watching Dark Angel, otherwise I won't be a Sam!girl much longer and Isi will kill me because Dean apparently belongs to her ... well, it's not me to blame ... why does Jensen looks so hot in the show? Totally not my fault. Besides, he's so much Dean in the show I expect demons and ghosts to turn up every minute. Even most of his lines sound like Dean would say them and I won't even start with his cocky grin.
In the second episode Alec (Jensen) even drives a classic car through the woods on a highway ... how much more Deanlike can he become? The whole time I waited for him to turn the car around because he had forgotten Sam on their last stop.

Apropos Supernatural ... seems like Kripke is determined to ruin my enjoyment of the third season. Sam has no longer visions. The horror I experienced upon this info defies every description. I love vision!Sammy. That was one of the major things in luring me to this show. "Simon Said" is one of my favorite episodes and in it Sam has three visions ... let's hope Kripke hits his head and forgets he wanted to abandon the visions or that his statement was one big joke to confuse the fans.

unileben, wohnheim, serien

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