I need to eat more

May 27, 2013 18:25

I always hear about people eating loads of stuff when they're stressed, I tend to stop eating altogether. Not good. I can wrap my fingers around my wrist easily nowadays which is just ... eeew, no. Not good. And I'm always really stressed before exams, which is why you didn't hear from me in ages. I only have so much capacity to focus at a time, and it's solely reserved for the coming exam in these times. My bf can testament to this. I'm horribly anti-social in the days before an exam. I don't like to talk to anyone, I don't want to see anyone, but I'm convinced I'll fail the exam. Go me and my positive attitude ^^.

Thankfully, I passed yet another final exam today. It wasn't that good, though. I keep losing focus when talking in oral examinations [especially when I'm getting excited about a topic, like gender linguistics] which obviously doesn't go over that well ... anyway, I saved my butt with the marks from my written exams -- 1,1 for my essay on the British Romanticists' relationship to nature (so, so proud of this, I kicked ass and took names with that one. Also, one of the examiners in the oral exam was also the examiner for my essay, and when I met with him to talk about my preparations for my oral exam he didn't give anything away about my mark on the essay. Total pokerface, I tell you.) and a 1,3 for my German-English translation (apparently that's good considering the examiner? I have no idea. The one guy I met and told about the mark was impressed .... ). I'm still mad about the "tips" the examiner gave us for this, though. I already know that DNS is DNA in English, thank you very much. But he failed to include the translation for "Mitochondrien" ... (it's mitochondria, btw). Do I look like I took biology past 10th grade to you? How the heck should I know what that means in English? I think that's simply unfair, to be honest.

After the exam uena and I went out for coffee, and I bought a new t-shirt and nail polish. I think I now have a different color for each finger. I love nail polish ...

In other news, I still have the cold from hell, but hey, at least I don't sound like I'll die of consumption anymore! And then I poured coffee over Hugo last Wednesday, who promptly shut off, and I was scared to death he'd leave me forever. But he started without any problems the next day! \o/ I'm telling you, he loves me as much as I love him, my sweet little laptop.

technik die begeistert, need no dictionary, prüfungszeit ist leidenszeit, unileben, sometimes life wins

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