And dreamed of para- para- paradise

Sep 15, 2012 12:39

(Long time, no see ... how is everyone?)

Yesterday, it was finally time for the Coldplay concert I had gotten tickets for as a birthday present back in June. I'd never before been to a concert this big, and I was excited.

The car drive into Leipzig was one big traffic jam, and I was getting a bit worried we might be late (our tickets said the concert starts at 7, we had no clue if that meant the support band, the time of entry, or Coldplay itself -- told you, never been to such a concert before). Turns out we were right on time for the first support band, whose name I don't really remember. Something with Charlie (but it was a woman). She was okay.

Anyway, once we walked up to the stadium I was again reminded how much I love mass events. I love, love, love them. There's nothing like being among thousands of people who cheer for the same thing as you do.

I also just like the architecture of the stadium in Leipzig. You first walk up the stairs over a rampart and the stadium itself is built inside a caldron.

And then we were inside and boy, was it loud. Of course I'd forgotten to buy oropax ... go figure. Well, we got used to it, although at the end of the night my voice and hearing were both gone.

Have some pics.

That's Marina and the Diamonds. I only knew one song by her before, but I really like her.

Coldplay! \o/

The concert was awesome. I loved all the ideas (glowing wristbands! big balloons for the audience to play with, etc, etc) and the interaction the band had with the audience. And it doesn't matter that Chris Martin forgot the lyrics from time to time, because he made up for it with the sheer enthusiasm he displayed and also singing parts of "Call me maybe" and "Singing in the rain".

The pictures don't to the atmosphere justice, let me tell you. Being in the middle of a sea of light (whoever came up with the glowing wristbands idea is a genius) gives you goosebumps. Add to that the masses singing along with "para- para- paradise" or "Fix it" and you can probably imagine how awesome it was.

So after four hours of singing, dancing, jumping and screaming my heart out, I was very, very happy. The concert was brilliant.

balsam für die ohren, familie, ich hab' bilder gemacht!, konzert, sometimes life wins, sammelsurium

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