... on the party convention.
(Which party, you may ask? This
So, my impressions ... democracy is hard, hard work. I have newfound respect for everyone who works in politics, no matter how much I might disagree with them (unless, you know, they're from the right side, then I want them to please go jump off a cliff). I don't regret attending the convention. It was educating like no Pol Sci Class could ever be, it was fun most of the time, and I met wonderful people. I wish we could make it mandatory for everyone to visit a political convention at least once. Not that I like everything our politicians come up with, but at least then people would know how darn difficult it is to make any decision at all.
On that account, to all my friends in the party, want to meet up for the next convention in Bochum?
... on the Anti-ACTA demonstration
(What's ACTA, you may ask? Look at this
video (eng) or
this (ger), and look it up on wiki)
I didn't get arrested! Duh ... I'm not quite sure what my parents thought I'd be up to during the demonstration, but contrary to popular belief, everything went peaceful, and the police only cleared the route for us. Nobody needed to post bail for me. We were about a hundred people, and it was my very first demonstration, but about something very close to my heart. Thanks to
uena for keeping me company. It was fun, we had relatively nice weather, and I'm quite pleased with the turnout. Hopefully, ACTA is ad acta now (I couldn't resist the pun).
... on the EM
(I'm not explaining what this is ... )
I painted my nails! (So it should be pretty obvious for which team I'm cheering)
I also changed my lj header to the obligatory football picture. Love it or leave it, you probably will have to bear with me talking about football for the next four weeks. Anyway, yesterday I watched GER-POR with two of my fellow pirates, and although the game was ... omg, you do know how to play the ball, don't you? Did you forget everything in the last few weeks? Why did you play so boringly? Why does Gomez still looks weird? Why doesn't it bother me that Özil looks even weirder? I'm pretty sure we have people in the offensive, where were they? a bit on the boring side, I'm quite glad we won nevertheless. Football will be my doom one day, I'm sure. ("She died of a heart attack during the GER-??? finale, we're sorry to inform you. But at least Germany won.") And it was only the first match for my team ... guuuh. I'm already afraid of the knockout phase.
Oh, before I forget. Are you all wearing green today to show your support for Ireland? I'm especially looking at you, Martin and Gocker!
... on holiday plans
Claire will be in Germany! *does a happy dance* And this time around I'll actually be here to enjoy her company! HA! We haven't seen each other since 'o9, which -- woah ... is way too long. She will be here the first half of August, and I'm excited! *does more happy dancing*
Gocker, Martin, and I will also go on another holiday to Ireland this year in the fall. I. CAN'T. WAIT. Valentia Island is the destination of our choice this year, and hopefully we'll drive to either Killarney or Dingle, so I can buy ice cream at Murphy's (BEST. ICE CREAM. EVER). I already checked with the store owner via twitter if all their shops are open all year long (they are, and I love that I can tweet him and tell him how much I love their ice cream. I love their ice cream lots.). I miss Ireland.
... on concerts
If I had known how easy it is to convince Martin and Gocker to join me for a pop concert, I'd have done it ages ago. All I had to do was ask! *facepalm* (FYI, my family isn't the pop concert type, we attend classical concerts, operas, theater plays ... I haven't been to a big po/rock concert yet) Anyway, a girl on my tumblr dashboard was adoringly excited for a Coldplay concert and posted pretty pictures of them, and so I thought "Hmm, I'd like to go to a Coldplay concert, let's check if they tour Germany." They do. They'll be here in the fall. My next thought was "I don't want to go alone", so I texted Gocker, who said yes, then I called Martin, who also said yes, then I was suprised for some time, and now I get the ticket for my birthday!