... the days with you, the days to come, the days I can’t have. Take them please

Oct 31, 2011 21:57

Back from Hamburg, pictures and a larger post about it will follow this week. Let's have one picture as a preview.

In other news:
  • ordered a kindle
  • my bullet points are now penguins by default thanks to the magic that is css and faelkchen
  • bought the new Coldplay album as mp3 download
  • have watched all of season 5 and 6 of Doctor Who and came to the conclusion that this show consists mostly of two types of stories: the one that break your heart and the one that creep you the fuck out. Weeping Angels and the Puppets? Not funny. And "The Girl who waited"? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THEM? Do they get some kind of sick pleasure of making me bawl my eyes out? And then they had this nice, not-creepy episode with the ridiculous gorilla and still managed to break my heart with Rory once I'd realized what he had actually said. It's so unbelievable sad.

  • Our F&B members are really sweet, and I love to chat with them. Just wanted to say it.

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