Grammar, you're doing it wrong

Aug 05, 2011 12:04

Usually, I don't complain about stuff people write. If I don't like it, I don't read it. I close the tab and everyone lives happily ever after. I don't leave angry comments telling the author how much they suck or that they're weirdos for having this particular kink. I have enough random kinks of my own to appreciate the freedom of thought.

So, yeah, this complaint is not about the content of any particular story, this is about a pet peeve of mine regarding spelling of all things.

We all know that I'm not a native English speaker. I confuse two and too and who's and whose (and the occasionally which) and I'm not exactly proud of it. I try my best, though.

I do, however, know the difference between breath and breathe.

Breath - noun

breathe - verb

And unless there's been a recent change in English spelling nobody told me about, we have a pandamic on our hands. In 99% of the fanfics I've read lately in which a variation of breath/breathe occurs, the author spells it wrong.

I don't get it (I also don't get why it annoys me so damn much -- it just does). I know the difference. And I'm not even a native speaker!

Please, use a spell-check! I don't want to tell my students to read texts in English online just for them to learn the wrong spelling one day!

PS: I'm also the tiniest bit gleeful that there's already a ship!war raging in the Suits!fandom, whereas my tiny F&B!Fandom is as cozy as ever.

need no dictionary, wait ... what?, sometimes life fails, fanfiction, oh for fox' sake, fandom wins at life

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