The Klaine appreciation post or How tumblr ruined my life

Jun 13, 2011 22:42

Um, so actually this was supposed to be an entry about my thoughts while watching all the Kurt/Blaine-scenes from season 2 of Glee ... then -- "thanks" to rei17 -- I got lost on tumblr and realized that Chris Colfer is actually really pretty! When did this happen? o_O

Anyway, say Hi to Darren Criss and Chris Colfer! This entry is dedicated to them and their characters on Glee.

Let's start with Darren. I like Darren.

Sometime ago, Darren had ridicuously long hair which reminds me of Leonard's hair in the flashbacks of The Big Bang Theory. He's also a nerd and not afraid to show it: he played Harry Potter in A Very Potter Musical. He also dressed up for one of the last Harry Potter midnight showings.

And as much as I love him as Harry Potter, I'm insanely glad he decided to cut his hair to get the role in Glee, because that decision got us this:

Um, yes, where was I? Right, Darren. Let's have another look at him. This time with him wearing glasses.

Him singing reminds me of the sheer joy I felt when I found out he'd covered my favorite Disney song. He also totally rocks pink sunglasses, but more on that later. For now, have some more pictures I can't stop staring at.

Oh my gosh ... Guh. Let's have a dose of dorkiness as antidote, alright?

Oh, Darren, let me heart you and your colored fingernails. ♥♥♥

And before I forget everything, let's move on to Chris Colfer. I know him since Glee began back in 2oo9 (holy sh**, I'm getting old), and I've always liked him. But, you know, like as in okay-like. I know, shame on me. Glee is still a crap show concerning character development, continuity and actual storytelling, but -- there is one thing they get right nearly all the time, and that is Kurt's storyline. It's Kurt's storyline and Chris' amazing portrayal of that character (and Blaine, but more on that later) that drew me back to Glee.

Nowadays, Chris looks like this:

And I remembered him like this:

So, I think I'm excused when I say that my google search kinda blew my mind today. Yes, he still looks way younger than he is, but boy, did he loose the babyfat. I didn't even know you could loose babyfat at 19! He's really, really pretty now, and I just like to look at his face.

Gah. Just stunning.

Okay, now you know these two fine young men. Let's move on to Klaine. Meet Kurt's questionable fashion sense (although I actually like his outfit in this one, and I wanna share the pretty)

And Blaine's really, really questionable dance moves (and his gelled hair -- Glee, please stop that coming season three, okay? Darren has lovely curls).

Nevertheless, I love Blaine. Kurt loves Blaine as well. Blaine? He's not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to his feelings. Blaine is also the lead soloist of the Warblers. I love the Warblers. Other people would have probably gone insane with the amount of times I've heard their rendition of "Teenage Dream".

(I also don't want Blaine to transfer to McKinley next season because I love the Warblers and would miss them immensely.)

See? I'd miss that. New Directions doesn't rock uniforms like the Warblers do. Pink sunglasses or not.

And Blaine rocks Kurt's world as well. And it turns out Kurt rocks Blaine's world, too.

They're simply adorable. This is their story in a nutshell:

I kid you not, the second scene we see them together, they're running down the hall in slow motion and their own music theme is playing in the background. I have no clue whatsoever how Ryan Murphy thought he could get away with this being only a mentor-relationship. *rofl* Luckily for everybody involved, Ryan realized he'd just found the end of the rainbown and the pot of gold, because after some pining from both sides

we got this:

The reaction to this kiss is actually the reason I started to watch Glee again. I'm tempted to draw hearts around the screen everytime I watch it. Then I thought it couldn't get any better ... and they gave us this:

And it's just perfect. Perfect. After all the bullsh** Kurt had to go through, he turns around and there is Blaine. I may squeal everytime I see this. It's so adorable. Seriously, normally I'd be the first to shout "Gary Stue" from the rooftops, but here? I simply don't care. I love Blaine. I love Kurt. I want them to live happily ever after.

And then the New York-finalehappened and I have no idea why they needed the 6$ millions, becaus they sure as hell didn't spend it on the script. The only redeeming thing about that episode is this:

I didn't expect this. Not at all. And the setting isn't really something you'd call romantic, but somehow it makes it all the more honest and perfect. ♥♥♥

So, say what you want about Glee underperforming in everything that makes a good tv show, but the message they send is important (fun fact #1: Klaine is one of two stable-longterm relationships in the show) and I love them for this.

And now to stuff I couldn't fit anywhere else:

First, let's take a second to appreciate the awesomeness that's Burt, Kurt's dad.

Proof, that the broccoli is powerful and we should all bow down before it:

And finally, my wishes for season 3:

Say yes, Kurt, otherwise a million of fangirls will do it for you!

Count me in!

Thank you for your time.

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