An Seomra codalta

Nov 26, 2009 17:49

I'm done with the week from hell and I'm tired and lazy and HAPPY THANKGSGIVING, EVERYONE! Also, the answer to all of our celebration days seems to cook something and then watch Supernatural, as Cate put it so nicely. Or, in case of tonight, watch our Irish Lecturer putting together a session (traditional Irish music played in an informal setting aka pub, for all you non-Irish ;). If I'm not asleep by then, that's it.

Anyway, since I need to get going in half an hour again, here have some meme in the meantime.

1. My username is ______ because ______.
hope_calaris is never ever taken, no matter where I sign up. I started out with only Hope, 'cause that is awesome and meaningful all for itself, but then I "borrowed" Calaris from khalaris 'cause that's awesome as well and has a nice ring to it. Also, it's completely unique.

2. My name is _____ because ______.
Christine, because that's the middle name of my mum. I quite like it. To most of my family and friends I'm Tine, which means fire in Irish as I found out this week. Pretty cool, isn't it? Only Gocker is allowed to call me Tinchen and that only because I get to call him Gocker instead of Volker.

3. My journal is titled ____ because ____.
"Außer Haus", because I was 'pressured' into having an online journal when I moved out to begin my studies in Greifswald.

4. My friends page is called ____ because ____.
"Die Welt", because basically my flist is my connection to everybody and everything I care about.

5. My default userpic is ____ because ____.
The white garden bench back home! One of my favorite places in the world. Nothing compares to sitting there on a warm and sunny sommer's day, reading a book and enjoying the mild wind playing with the leaves of the lilac. "Thankful" is written in the icon as well, because a day like in the picture always reminds of me how blessed I'm with the life I have.

familie, lj - mein tor zur welt, it's meme!time

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