A lesson in Irish, part I

Oct 08, 2009 19:38

Dia duit.
Dia is muire duit.
Conas ata tú?
Go raibh maith agat. Tá mé go breá/maith/cuiseach/ceart go leor/measartha. Agus tú fein?
Níl me go breá/ Táim hainnis. Cad is ainm duit?
Is mé Christine. Agus tú?
Hannah is ainm dom. Seo í Rahel. Seo é Padraig.
Carb as duit?
Is as An Ghermáin mé.


How are you?
Thank you, I'm good/good/mediocre/okay/alright. And you?
I'm not good/I'm awful. What's your name?
I'm Christine. And you?
My name is Hannah. This is Rahel. This is Padraig.
Where are you from?
I'm from Germany.

das große grüne abenteuer, meisterin der obsoleten sprachen

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