May 08, 2009 09:04
Wait … what? HUH??? Did anybody know that Wee!Sam would turn up in this episode? How cute is that? And I’ve never seen that movie with Bruce Willis younger alter ego, but boy, does this remind me of it.
Wee!Sam is kinda mean … Wee!Sam is really mean! Stop that!
Bobby … I’m not amused. But I like the tension you’ve created with your suggestion.
Nope, I didn’t stare at Jared’s butt. Not a bit. Okay, okay, I'm a lying liar who lies. Don't sue me!
Wait … what? HUH??? Did anybody know that Mum would turn up in this episode? What kind of spoiler-hunters does this fandom have?
Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam! Let me hug you! *le sigh* Is doing Jared a fabulous job at portraying a beaten Sam or what?
Wait, that’s not his mum. At least not the usual actress.
Blah, my cursor is vanishing over and over again. Not amused.
Wow. I yelled at Hugo. Repeatedly. I hugged him as well. Oh, Show. Oh, Sam. Oh, Dean. Oh, Sam’n’Dean. *weeps*
Interestingly, although it looks as bad as never before for my beloved brothers, I'm oddly sure that everything will work out. I'm also convinced that Ruby is a lying bitch who lies, but that's okay because Castiel is a lying jerk who lies as well.
episode review of incoherence,