I'm only half into the episode and it's pure Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove.
They're doing laundry. There's brotherly banter. I like that writer - so say goodbye to him. The plot is awesome. We actually get Sam!insight. Wuhuu!
Edit: Right now I'm inclined to say this is one of the best episodes in the history of ever. So much love for it.
But Castiel is wrong ... prophecies don't always come true. Ask Jona. He was majorly pissed of when God decided not to destroy Ninive although he made Jona tell everyone so.
Edit: *squeeeeeeal* Dean is threatening God on behalf of Sam. I may die of love ... hey, so I have a fool-proof excuse for not showing up at my exam!
I may even begin to really like Castiel.
Edit: Zachariah!!!!!! I'm sooooo glad you're back!!!!! And no, I don't use way too much exclamation marks ... I just hope he's not an evil angel, that would suck out loud. And for once my evil powers of doom didn't kill the character I liked. Ha! Poor Chuck, but yeah me!
Thanks Kripke for bringing back the show I love.