A huge hug

Feb 19, 2009 11:15

Because I fail at life, this post is about one month late. *le sigh*

I'm sorry, Claire! (Right, this post is dedicated to her.)

Thanks for the postcard from China and the package from home. I absolutely love the pearl necklace and earrings (and I'm wearing them right now) and I'm such a sucker for scarves it's not even funny anymore (not to forget the Supernatural tidbits :). Thank you sooooo much, sweetie!


Oooookay, why is it snowing ... again? I'm sick of snow. I don't like snow. And it's not even real snow, it just pretends to be snow, but actually it's snowish rain ... guuuh.


I may or may not feel compelled to extend my After work!Universe ... I just love the characters way too much to let them go already. We'll see.

an den wettergott, claire

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