Jun 17, 2005 13:55
I had a break down this morning... I freaked out on my mom and if you ask me why, i dont have an answer. I know that what i did (freaking out on her like that) was very imature. She brought alot of things that I do that I really need to change to my attention. I love my father dont get me wrong, but the one thing that he does that i absolutely despise is the one thing that I do jsut like him. Its not enough that I look JUST like him. I have to act like him when im mad. I hate how he acts and how he treats people, come to find out I am just like that. I guess that i somehow new that i was being just like him and I jsut didnt wanna accept it. But seeing the way that I acted today.... it all came full circle. I just wanna change it. I know that he acts like this because he is scared of his emotions. He just shuts down. I dont wanna shut down when things need to be talked about, I wanna turn in to a responsible and a good adult. Not saying that my dad isent. Just I dont wanna be like that when I am an adult. I dont know... I just know that this summer needs to be one of change for me..... so here goes nothing...