
Dec 10, 2005 18:55

uhhh really quick post....hahaha aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....felt like a scream....im a munkie and i now have a rat for competition and stuff...

anyway...im over at bekahs house...we went walking earlier and decided to get on this bus and smoke a cigarette....were sitting there and this truck pulls up and starts to park right in fron of the bus were on...were thinking "shit!" so we run to the back of the bus and bed down trying to hide....the guy gets on the bus next to us and starts doing an inspection....were now thinking "shit i hope he doesnt see us...." well he gets back off that bus and starts messing around in his truck im hoping hes about to leave...then he comes and gets on the bus were on....i start freaking out and im thinking oh god hes going to kill us if he finds out were on here....he starts talking to himself..."someones been smokin on here. i dont know who dats been. well let me see how dis is runnin" he starts up the bus...i start shakin and so does bekah...im sitting there mouthing out that we have got to get off and quick. we were thinking he was going to drive off with us in there. we'd end up in georgia and having o call a cab or somethin...i about had a heart attack...well i realized he was just turning it on so we stayed quiet...he kept repeating "i cant believe someones dun been smokin on dis bus." finally he left and once he was out of sight we started laughing and i went and changed my pants.....lol j/k

anyway...im finally ungrounded....and stuff...i finally went to see joe last weekend...yeah anyway....munkies...stuff..and evil rats taking over the world...or bedrooms or something...i will kill them all....penis and cheese...of doom...this is wat happens when im grounded and dont like see people that are uhh sane...then the rub off on me and stuff...ok this "quick post" turned into a like uhh story...anyway i have to leave now and go back to lair/dungeon....er home...er...house errr....nevermind i had it right the first time...anyway bye i hope all is well with you peoples....bye!
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