Can We Try Again Tomorrow? (Finn/Rachel Drabble)

Apr 03, 2010 12:51

A six word drabble challenge got me to start writing again. Although, I used the loophole and wrote six words per line. Come on--could I actually only write six words? I think this may be first drabble, actually. My last "drabble" magically turned into a 1,500+ word one-shot. I'm a long-winded writer and I have accepted that fact. Enjoy!

Can We Try Again Tomorrow?

Looking at Rachel lying beneath him,
Finn knew he'd never last.
Squeezing his eyes shut, he desperately
tried to bring forth the memory
that always saved him from these...
sticky situations. 
And...nothing. Shit! 
Then, suddenly, he remembered:
the mailman was off on Sundays.

finn/rachel, fic, drabble, glee

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