May 25, 2005 20:24
fuck that place.
fuck the memories and heartache it brought me.
fuck it all.
im glad im fuckin out.
no more retarded people to slow me down.
we'll see who my true friends are over the summer and the rest of my life.
my last day of fuckin high school at the bluff has cam and passed. now all i have to look forward to is about 2 weeks of simple work and then im done with high school for-fuckin-ever. Sounds like the greatest plan ever for me.
im out of the fuckin hell hole.
I need a job.
i have been hunting.
i dont want to grow up though.
im not going to go to college until about 2 years after high school so i have a built up fund.
i wanna do something with the peace corps.
i think that would be way badass.
little scary but way badass.
fuck america.
only here will retarded people spend $16 million to go see a movie about a murderer who uses wax. not scary sounding at all.
whts the world coming to?
hopefully no more of that dumb shit.
longest one in forever.
cause its broken down into sections.
still havent seen the 3rd star wars.
i tihnk because of that im going straight to hell.
but i heard it sucked for a star wars movie
but it was good for a regular movie.
i wanna start up a hip-hop band.
but i dont tihnk thats going to happen.
fuck it. im out.