Sep 20, 2005 15:57
I may have made a mistake today. We'll see, probably around the time grades on my exams emerge.
I caught a spider that was in my sink, and took him to Bio class with me. Bio prof is an entymologist. He was so happy, which disturbed me. He did promise to let the little guy go, thank goodness.
"Wall of Death!" And pin-ups of insects.
I love butterflies. ^-^ I chased one around today. I stalk butterflies across the grass, and get lost in the dream of wings.
Bio exam Thursday. DI quiz tomorrow, History exam Friday, but I got a B on my Pysch exam! Whoot.
Um.. what else?
I broke my toe today while cleaning Patience up after my riding lesson. OW. First broken bone ever, but there's a first time for everything, right? My pinky toe is all swollen and red and purple, and crunched looking. ^^; Haha, whoops.
All in all school is going well. Good grades, etcetera etcetera. Equestrian team is definitely the highlight though. I even work at the stbale now. Eleven hour days! Ugh!! We need to hire some full-time people, so the load will be lighter. I drive up to Toano for a lesson on Tuesday, and for work on Thursday and Saturday. They wanted me to work Sunday too, but there is no way I would have been able to do my homework also. Had to decline. I haven't ridden in forever, but my instructor says I'm doing very well. She wants to show me at the end of the semester! I am nervous already..
That's all for today I suppose. I'm nervous today, in that way that Indy gets nervous and parnces around in his stall.