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Jul 13, 2007 16:50

I saw Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and I absolutely loved it! I so need to see it again! For a movie based on the largest Harry Potter book to date, it was remarkably faithful to the book considering the amount of material that had to be condensed. There were a couple of things that I didn’t quite agree with (I won’t say exactly what unless I can successfully put it under an LJ cut-don’t want to spoil it for those who haven’t seen it yet) but I can understand why it was done that way.

One thing I did love was that it really seemed to be cementing the Ron/Hermione ship in canon (movie canon, that is; book canon is slightly different). That is something that I’ve seen since Chamber of Secrets which is the first Harry Potter film I really watched (a friend tried showing me Philosopher’s Stone on DVD before the second film came out… I found studying 5th century BC Ancient Greece more interesting at the time). We argue over pairings in Harry Potter (and other fandoms) as she is a slasher and I’m not (and no, I don’t hold it against her-the arguments are fun!), and you should have seen the face she pulled when I was pointing out that R/H was canon in the film.

But then again, my ship pairings tend to be canon (except Draco/Ginny-I’m not foolish enough to think that would ever be canon). Hers, being m/m slash, tend not to be canon (except for Torchwood, which I don’t watch anyway).
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