Haven't updated my journal in awhile so I figured I would while waiting to find out if I'm gonna be working today or not...
Came home on the 14th and spent that entiiiiire weekend unpacking and reorganizing my room. Literally. I still have to take my comforter to the cleaner's but I'm waiting until I have money for that. Going to spend the summer working for the temp agency again (and trying to find a part time job that I can transfer up to Denton), sewing a lot in an attempt to get rid of most of the fabric I've stockpiled over the year, and looking at apartments for the fall. I was SUPPOSED to go today but idk if I will or not, depends on if I'm needed. :/ If not, definitely tomorrow.
puffs lent me Twilight Princess in January, and I just started playing it earlier this month when I had some free time. So far my reactions have ranged from "lol more like Twilight Prime amirite?" to "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU" to "HOLY SHIT I'M SPINNING ON A TOP FIGHTING A GIANT FLOATING DRAGON SKULL THIS IS SO FUCKING AWESOME." Originally I compared it to Star Fox Adventures, in that the game was really pretty and the music rocks and hey, it's a Zelda game, but some of the mechanics made you want to throw things. But now I take it back, because unlike Star Fox Adventures, the new characters rock, what voice acting there is is done well, and they did their
Hijacked by Ganon so fucking right. aaaaah Ganondorf you are such a badass mother fucker.
I turn 22 in a week \o\! And the day after, I'm getting my hair cut short. I'm ready for a change.