Mar 22, 2008 22:23
First week of Earthbound is overrrrrr /o/~ It was pretty awesome. I just wish a lot of the time there was more to do 8( I always end up playing with the hermit crabs. Which is awesome, because I'm a lot less scared of them than I was a week ago. That'll change the minute I get pinched, but.
I think I'm also starting to eat healthier than I usually do. This is mostly all Carolyn and Dave's fault. 'Cause they're vegetarians. And I'm not saying that to be biased, Dave and I had, like, an extensive talk Friday night about different ways to eat stuff other than meat, and it got me thinking. So I haven't had a Coke all day, and I'm not craving one, either. And McDonald's sounds kinda nasty, too. Hahaha oh wow.
Gotta wait a couple of weeks to get my paycheck in, but it's all going towards paying off my credit card when it does 8(
Shit I need to get my Hellsing moodtheme up. Also maybe make a new layout. Because lolol this one is old 8( IDEAS ANYONE?
Happy Easter, everybody! ♥