I took it from
straziante 1. Reply to this post with 'Icons!', and I will pick five (or more, damnit) of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
Keywords: [SW] .........Family bonding
Credit to:
iconziconsStar Wars fuck yea. I don't even really like this part of Return of the Jedi, it bores me. But I love this icon and how AWKWARD Luke looks. It's awkward family bonding time, man.
Credit to:
unasuvasDigimon will always be my true love, and Ken and Wormmon are absolutely moe and adorable. Plus, with the subs coming out online recently I decided HEY I NEED MORE ICONS, so I went and got some. Story of the keywords goes here, I think it enriches the entire thing, really:
http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Then_who_was_phone%3F Keywords: [Watchmen] For the greater good
Credit to:
whyiconsVAGUE RECOLLECTIONS OF WATCHMEN, PEOPLE. More people need to watch this you fucks it's hysterical.
"Meanwhile, in New York, by the way, everyone's fucking dead! Remember all those people we saw just randomly talking about dumb shit? They're all dead! We're all seeing like, closeups of them, New York's a fuckhole and there're tentacles everywhere. So this big alien's face looks like kind of like a vagina, and it's like 'I'M THE DEAD VAGINA ALIEN WHO WAS MADE ON AN ISLAND'. And the entire world is like 'HEY DEAD VAGINA ALIEN?! We've gotta unite against this, we need to unite against vaginas from space', and everyone's like 'Score'."
Keywords: [4chan] FFFFFFFUUUUUUU
Credit to:
hoozillahttp://encyclopediadramatica.com/Rage HOSHI IT'S ANOTHER 4CHAN ICON--
Keywords: [Random] FRIENDZ?
Credit to: I don't fucking know
malemiko showed me this ages ago and it is still hysterical. It reminds me of Belphegor and Squalo and always will C:
Keywords: [Hellsing] Vat is this
Credit to:
subliminalpeachThis is Doc. Doc is a silly man. We like him, even if he's a Nazi fuck. And I think this is from a doujinshi or something.
Halfway done with my last-minute touchups, plan on doing the rest tomorrow