SO APPARENTLY THERE'S INTERNET AT HOME lawl. But there won't be any tomorrow, which is when I plan to get my Art History paper done.
Now have this.
1. I feel like I'm most at peace when I'm sewing. No matter how much I rage at whatever it is I'm sewing, I'm never really angry.
2. Occasionally I will get the urge to just make something, and it drives me nuts until I can actually do something about it. Last night it woke me up, I'm talking wide awake, and I spent about an hour drawing on the computer.
3. I used to come up with a bunch of self-inserts for different series: Digimon, Tenchi, Dragonball Z, Pokémon, anything I was into around middle-high school. Only wrote fic for the Digimon and Pokémon ones, the others were just there. And at one point I tried to mush them together into an original manga, but I couldn't draw for shit back then, so that idea fell through.
4. I love languages, and I want to learn as many as I possibly can. My junior year, I want to take either Japanese or Arabic
5. The more people who talk about a series, movie, what have you, the less I feel like getting involved in it, unless I already am (see: Watchmen).
6. I love snuggling. As long as it's somebody I want to snuggle with.
7. I've become a serious perfectionist about my work for school.
8. When I'm upset or really pissed off about something, all I want is for everyone to leave me alone.
9. If I get into a new fandom and new music at the same time, the two become irreversibly linked. It doesn't have to make sense: in fact, it rarely does.
10. I'm still not used to being a model.
11. My dream is to be both an artist and a fashion designer, and live in a studio apartment above my own clothing boutique.
12. When I was in my junior-senior year, I would always spend a ton of money on shit I didn't need. Now I'm the complete opposite.
13. Even though my parents annoy the shit out of me sometimes, I'm really grateful they're as normal as they are, because I know there's a lot of people out there who have it much worse than I do.
14. Working at Earthbound and meeting Carolyn, David, and especially Dheyv, was a life-changing experience.
15. Even though I've been a fan of the Metroid series for almost ten years, I haven't finished Metroid Prime 2 or 3.
16. I get impatient really easily.
17. I have really weird sleeping habits. I sleep with all four of my stuffed polar bears and pull my blankets over my head. It's just really comfortable that way.
18. I wish I knew more about my heritage. The only thing I know for sure is that my maternal grandfather's family came from Russia.
19. Sometimes I wore things that were a little more stylish, but so little of stylish clothing is as comfortable as I like things to be. Skinny jeans? fuck no.
20. I harbor that dislike of preppy kids that most teenage emos do, but because I was picked on a lot up through middle school, and I'm still afraid of what people think of me.
21. I still haven't seen Gurren Lagann, nor do I really have any plan to. See #5 for my reasoning.
22. I used to play the violin, and I really miss it.
23. I get jealous of costumes, designs, etc that are better than mine easily. But instead of lashing out at the person who made them, I lash out at myself, because I wasn't good enough to make mine as good as theirs.
24. I know I can be obnoxiously chatty, and I know it probably bugs a lot of people. Sorry.
25. I think by writing about them, I've become really good at remembering my dreams. I need to get back into that practice again.