First things first: The portfolio review was a success, and I'm in the program! :D
The special assignment in the entry review involved designing clothing with a set theme: Day dresses based on African and tribal wear, casual sportswear based off superheroes, and evening dresses based on Asian food. I did several sketches and different designs in each theme, and picked the best ones.
Iron Man
Sharpie and colored pencil
This design uses Iron Man as inspiration, and it's the one I included in my portfolio. I'd seen the movie for the first time awhile before, and it was totally awesome. Instead of trying to copy the design exactly, I just took the basic colors from each section (arms, hands, legs, chest, and so on) and designed the outfit around those. For the fabric, I chose a ribbed knit material.
Captain America
Sharpie and colored pencil
After the Iron Man design, I decided to further the Avengers theme and choose other superheroes with similar color schemes, so the garments could be mixed and matched, as sportswear is supposed to be. This was my second favorite design, but I could only choose one. I used the same basic principle as I did with Iron Man for Captain America: I just looked at the sections of color, and designed around that. It was only for the sake of variety that I decided to include a skirt.
Sharpie and colored pencil
The same as stated above. For Thor, I decided to make it a little closer to the actual costume. The only variety is his red cape: it's an important feature, but I didn't want to add a cape to the top, because that would look silly. So I incorporated it into long, full sleeves.
Day Dresses
African dresses
Sharpie and colored pencil
The day dresses were the hardest to find inspiration for, so there's not much to say about them :(. I ended up simply looking at certain fabrics and putting them into the designs. The one on the far left is the one that went into the portfolio.
Evening dress
Salmon sushi
Sharpie and colored pencil
Salmon sushi is my favorite kind of sushi, so I wanted to make a dress based on that. I tried to imitate the stripes of fat (or whatever that is...) on the sushi by gathering the fabric on one side of the dress. Looking back, it probably could have been done a little bit better. The sweeping of the dress to the side is also representative of salmon sushi; sometimes there's a little "tail" that hangs over the rice. The white underneath the main skirt and on the shoulder is representative of the rice, because sometimes the sushi fails to cover it completely. This is meant to be made in satin, and was the design to be put into the portfolio.
Evening dress
Miso soup
Sharpie and colored pencil
I love miso soup, I really can't get enough of it. The skirt is a bubble skirt to reflect the roundness of the bowl, with trim along the top of the bodice and along the waist that's the same color as the bowls the soup usually comes in. All along the main fabric of the dress are blurred rings of green and splotches of white, representing the green onion and tofu blocks found in miso soup. It's an interesting design, I think, but too simple for the portfolio (besides, are evening dresses even that short, traditionally??)