(no subject)

Dec 04, 2007 12:56

Tis the season for paying bills.


I hateses them. I don't think I've ever hatsesded them this much before. Possibly due to the fact that I thought I'd paid them all until I found a floating phone bill on my kitchen table this morning that had slipped through the cracks that was due yesterday. Blarg.

In fandom news, I read an absolutely gorgeous Ken-centric Weiß Side B fanfic today. No BL or any pairings at all really, it's just a gen, but it's just such a wonderful slice of 'dark-under-the-edges' Side B life that most ficcers seem to leave alone. [Most probably due to a lack of easily available translation/knowledge of plot] It doesn't dither, doesn't warble all over the place and keeps the characters IC, never forgetting that Ken went a hairs-breadth away from, if not actually, insane during the post Kapital/Gluhen era.

Anyway, go read "Face of the Monster" by vr2lbast  here if you're of the ficcing frame of mind.

Lastly, I've decided I don't fandom-ise as much as I would like. Fandom-ity is something I so enjoy reading on other peoples journals [some of who do not know I stalk them] so I'm going to create my own little meme thing. Feel free to gak, if you so choose. [although with my friendslist... I think I'm the only one who'll do it. Why am I such a fangirl? ^^;]

50 Fandom Topics.

Make a List of fifty fandoms that you feel comfortable with and post it at the top of your LJ. [cheat LJ by putting in a future date.]

With no specified deadline, take the time to talk about each fandom in singular posts at a decent length. No one sentence posts.

Posts can be rants, squees, fanfiction, fanart, etc but they must be directly related to a fandom on your list.

Once a fandom is done, edit your list with a link to the relating post.

And now I try and come up with fifty different fandoms. Hey, I've seen people write drabbles for 100 different fandoms... fifty should be doable with a thinking cap on.

fandom, fanfiction, weiß kreuz, 50 fandom topics, ken hidaka

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