Hoowee at work: 09

Jul 20, 2004 18:57

What Hoowee learned today:

1. When in doubt, press a random button.

2. When still in doubt, shut the damn thing, open it up again, press another button.

This is in regards to the almighty freakin' HUGE photocopier that's here in Marine Farming.

Tried my hand at putting more paper in it this morning as the screen said it was running low in most trays. Normally this would be an easier affair, and I still can't say that it was that hard to do, but when things start flashing on the screen that shouldn't flash, all I can say is the above two steps work wonders.

Was supposed to update all of this 'Hoowee from Work' thingy on the weekend, but somehow I just never got around to it. Too busy scanning I guess. ^^;

Managed to get 3 3/4 out of 5 chapters of 'mui done. Not quite as much as I'd hoped, but at about three/four in the afternoon on Sunday I went "screw it, I'm tired" and stopped scanning for the day. Aheh heh heh... urg. Did manage to get an email out to Gomi, Ex and Ichi though and of that I'm proud. Only had one reply so far from Gomi, but seems she's got the first 100 pages translated. Weee! Still need to have it gone over and checked but I asked if they minded if I found someone to take Ichi's place since she's gone AWOL. Haven't had a definate yes or no on it, but I don't think they'll mind, so if I haven't heard anymore by next weekend I'm pm-ing Tsubasa. I'm gonna get Zero out if it takes me all freakin' year. [and so far it's taken me 6 months to do twenty pages so I wouldn't be surprised if it DOES take a year.]

kamui, boku-tachi, zero, work

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