Random X-comic Ramble

Sep 30, 2005 12:47

Not long ago got into a conversation about the X-men and the other asorted comics that link in with them with Pantsu & co one night out at dinner. This conversation resulted in me borrowing most of the generation X comics from pantsu who had followed the series. [I followed X-force, X-factor and X-man and regularly read X-men, Uncanny, Cable and Wolverine thanks to my brother.]

Loving the first couple of them that I read [brought back ye olde nostalgia] so I went and did a quick search on the net to see what Chamber and the others were doing now, maybe even find a decent fanfic. BLAH! Just got reminded why I don't follow american comics anymore. Apparently most of them are dead, reborn, team shuffled, ignored etc etc.

I'm not even going to go into the mini fanfic search I did. Mary-sues Ahoy!

I hate how in american comics, due to the fact that so many people write/draw them there is NO CONTINUITY. Characters are shuffled to the sidelines to make room for someone else's creation, death means nothing even if the body is completly utterly destroyed/mangled/slashed and hey, let's not worry about trying to give the series an ending, it can just keep going for years and years without a proper storyline to keep it all together. [or if the series does end, let's just throw the characters into another book and beat them to death with more crap storylines some more.] ARG. so much potential... and it all just craps itself halfway through.

I miss reading about Shatterstar, Nate and Havok, but last I saw, shatty had left x-force, become a blonde and before that he was turned into some human guy [that storyline was whacked] instead of his normal kick ass Mojo-verse gladiator self. Don't know what happened to Havok after he crossed dimensions [was disappointed that Cyclops never worried more or DID anything and what the hell happened to Polaris?] and who the hell knows what happened to Nate. I have foggy memories of Threnody and Madelyne... maybe I need to read those old series again. Grah.

As much as I loved them then, I think american comics are produced for people to only be interested in for a short amount of time and after that, the frustration and the confusion and the rehash of old subject matter just kills everything. Or at least in my case that's how it went. [Maybe that contributes to the idea that comics are for kids. People start reading them as kids and then get sick of the crap by the time they become adults.]

Meh. Still, I think when I go home tonight I'll read more GenX. Love Chamber. Just wish I knew the story would always be shiny and good.

generation x, marvel, x-men, comics

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