Feb 08, 2012 23:44
There seems to be all this mad blather of absolute glee about the Phantom Menace coming out in 3D the February and seeing it all across the internet it just made me go wtf? Seriously, I am not a fan of the 'first' three movies and I did not get it. To me, Star Wars doesn't really start until Episode IV. And it was fairly much agreed upon from the fans and non-fans alike when the other three came out that they were... not as good as had been hoped.
Really, I'm not excited at all about the first three coming out again in 3D. I barely even remember the plot lines of two and three. If and when A New Hope goes 3D, then I'll get truly excited (going to a midnight showing with ticket held tightly in my sweaty hand and a feral gleam to my eyes kind of excited) but not before that.
So with the general disregard the majority held for the first three movies, I had to ask "why?" was all the blithe glee happening for the 3D? It wasn't until I came across an entry on tumblr that explained it as happy nostalgia. Did this person think the movie was brilliant? No, but was it the first (omg!) Star Wars film they had ever seen. Also, first Star Wars film seen on the big screen. And it was this that led them to the rest of the Star Wars universe where they fell hard and fast in fannish love.
That... that just seems so ODD to me. That the Phantom Menace was someones 'first' and could be seen through such rose tinted, nostalgic glasses. It just... didn't everyone watch the original three on VHS first? You know, when they were about five or six? (or about seven or eight like me, because I couldn't like the same things as my brother when I was younger then that....)
Personally, I did manage to see the original trilogy on the big screen. Not when it first came out, I'm not that old yet, but when Lucas remastered and re-released it my family did a movie pilgrimage. We're all SW nerds.
Reading about the fact that TPM had been some peoples first introduction to Star Wars, it really made me think about what a new generation of Star Wars fans there are out there now. Seriously, their version of VHS is DVD. Their version of SW: A New Hope is SW: The Phantom Menace. It just boggles my brain.
Still not excited for Episode One 3D, but have a new perspective on the hype some have built up about it.
star wars