Ah crap, I so do not want to get back into reading marvel comics right now. The whole plot mess, rapidly changing artists/writers and general character screw-over that always happens just made me so jaded about reading them. But over this weekend I stumbled upon news about my favourite characters from X-force and what they're doing these days and it's just interesting enough to make me want to catch up with them.
Holy crud the Rictor/Shatterstar
news, almost a year old now, had me careening around the house in joy. And Terry's still kicking about. And hey, Strong Guy! But what's Cannonball upto? And what about Havok? Domino? Polaris? Rogue and Remy? (Professor X can still die in a hole as far as I care.) Gah, I stumble enough into the fandom again to get intriguing little peeks at their lives, but it's almost not enough. I find my willpower saying 'you know, one or two issues wouldn't hurt' and then my past knowledge goes 'shyeah, uh-huh, right'.
I think the most I'll do is go and find those old issues of X-force and X-factor I used to collect and marathon through them again. (Maybe give in a little bit and see if I still can't fill some of those back-issue gaps I had.)
... oh yeah, happy birthday to me for last week!