Aug 18, 2008 09:14
Creepy damn dream that I had a few nights ago. I wrote it up the day that it woke me up, but hadn't gotten around to posting it until now.
Okay, so the dream seems to be about a genetically engineered person...
The first 21 tries to create him were failed attempts but the dream starts with the final successful attempt. An oldish man tells the newly 'birthed' man that he is "coded 22", meaning he is the twenty second attempt. I get the feeling that this was not meant to be his name but as he is never named otherwise, I shall refer to him as Code22.
The lab was darkened, but there was a soft green glow from shut down monitors and experiments in test-tubes, so I'm guessing from hindsight that all this occured during the middle of the night.
Code22 looks...mmm perhaps a bit like Yul Brenner from the King and I... if he had been stark naked with a clear, slime-like liquid slowly running off of his body.
Code22 stares at the man and interprets 'coded 22' as 'code 22' which he understands as a command to kill... everything. I can't remember the old mans death, but I do know that it happened.
=Scene Change!=
A fast-acting, deadly virus released amongst a small group of people. I don't know their names, so I will identify them as Mr One, Mr Two, Mr Three and Mr Four.
Three of them aren't sure that the virus is real, but one man, Mr One, doesn't want to wait for the virus to take effect and knifes himself through the ear into the brain, killing himself instantly.
Mr Two, Three and Four are horrified and refuse to do the same, panicking but attempting to think of a possible cure... but code22 laughs at them and waits. Mr Twos eyeballs suddenly start bubbling with a pinkish goo, and then melt down his face with him screaming in absolute pain. The other two look on in horror with code22 egging them on to kill themselves if they don't want to die like Mr Two. Mr Three begs Mr Four to kill him, tears streaming down his face, terrified, and for some bizarre reason, it has to be a knife through the ear... again.
Mr Four agrees, but feels sick to his stomach about it. Picking up a knife he places it against Mr Threes head, but doesn't put enought force into it only causing Mr Three pain instead of instant death. It's scratching against something inside the ear canal that looks like a collection of hard little pink flesh bubbles. Mr Four can feel the scraping travel up his arms but he bites his lip and puts his entire body weight into it and shoves the knife all the way through, putting Mr Three out of his misery. Mr Four looks up at code22... and the dream stops.
... ARG!
So did Mr Four die? Or did code22 come up with something else? It was a rather sick dream, but I'd rather like to know what happened to code22 and Mr Four. >_>;