Oct 30, 2005 22:22
So, i had a driving lesson then i jumped on the train off to New street about 1, and met Brum. <33. We went of to the pub - square peg :D. Which was relatively short lived, because i ordered a red WKD and a coke, the bloke went off to get it - and then we got told to get out! HAHA. they evactuated the pub - fire alarm was going off - but it was going off for ages and nobody said owt, and then it was like 'RIGHT EVERYONE OUT!' how fucking random. It's a BIG pub, people were eating, but nope everyone out, hahah, there was like a sea of people outside, then we waited around for about half an hour then we were allowed back in. Haha, crazy. Anyway so we stayed there for a bit and then went to PIZZA HUT <33333333 love. We ate up and went and got Fran from Moor strt. And headed to the Academy.
THE QUEUE WAS HUGE! Errrrrrr fuck off - where were all these wankers last year ey? We went last year, nobody was there went and got something to eat and then went back and there was still hardly anyone there, so we were at the front. But ohhhhhhhh the bandwagon has been jumped quite clearly. No matter. We went in, went straight to the balcony, figured we weren;t up for the pit and we'd get a better view from up there.
The supprt acts came and went, Bedieon Soundclash are a bit ace <3 'We're going to rock down to electric avenue...'.
Then my boys came out - and rocked us silly! They were amazing. Seriously. Blow my head off. Preston wasn't that impresed with the balcony though, but we gave our my all, even if nobody else did. Preston fell over, like properly slided on his face, hahah, he jumped off one of the big box things near the drum kit and went flying all the way across the stage - to infront of James, <3. haha, At th start of the next song he was like sung 'I feel ooooover' hahah class. Bless him, must've hurt. James is like my God, i know i go on about it, but seriously last night just confirmed his aceness. It makes me feel all fuzzy inside when i think of him, he so unbeliveably cool it's just ...GAH!
After the gig we waited around for a bit, because we thought we might catch them. Subculture was on in there after the gig - its like a gothic club night. HAHA. Fucking weird man. It was horrific, loads of people were dressed up for halloween, but it was hard to tell what was a costume and what was normal attire. Boobs and bums pushed in all directions, nasty. Took the word 'tarty' to a whole new level, and they all looked about 8. Anyhow, we didnt' see the lads, but i would have LOVED to have seen prestons reaction to some of the people in there ('knobheads') *giggles*.
So we made our way to Moor Street and caught the train. All in all a fucking fab day. Thank you Brum and Fran and The Ordinary Boys and particularly Mr Gregory for adding sunshine to my life.