Warning: This is a rant. If you dont like it, then don't click the fucking link. I'm not going to put up with bullshit over it. This is public also just to let EVERYONE know since my journal is such a hot topic to discuss right?
I am sick of busting my ass and people not doing anything. It's so fucking stupid. Just because you're lazy, doesn't give you a reason to do nothing at practice.
I dont' want to be medeocare (sp?). At practice, when you're supposed to do something, and you don't, I'm going to tell you about it. Even though I'm not a Captain or Co-Captain (Don't get me started on this) I will say it because I want us to be good. I want 1st place Guard. I had permission to tell Kristen what she was doing. I wasn't being a bitch about it, until she started getting an attitude and walking away from me. Honestly, I don't care if she tries out next year or not. Not being mean or anything, but we'd probly be better off anyways. I know going down on your knees on asphult hurts, but if we live, then she will too. There is NO excuse!!!!
Today was one of those days that just kinda made me want to pack up and head down the river. I love Hoover, and I especially love Hoover Band and Auxiliary, but a person can only take so much ya know?
There is way to much drama going on in the band. Wow. Little Bird likes to start a lot of drama too. It's so....gr.
Como te llamos? Mi llamo Stefonia.
De qu color es? Es...
Cual es tu color favorito? Mi color favorito es rosado.
Spanish is fun for everyone!!!