totally random

May 13, 2009 15:22

hankshiny and i live right by a cemetery, the same one where they filmed the burial scene for the godfather. apparently there are a lot of mobsters buried there. we'd never been in before so we took a brief walk this weekend. i took pictures but don't worry, i did not cavort atop the graves or anything sacrilegious.

the gravestone above is clearly the best one.

the cemetery is really enormous. it would take quite some time to walk from one end to another.

there are a lot of extremely large and impressive graves. it's interesting how easy it is to tell italian versus irish graves by the type of decorations.

and there are way more mausoleums than i have ever seen before. i'm sure some of these belong to the mafia families. i did peek inside a few of them - some of them have little pews inside and candles, so if you have a key to the mausoleum you can kneel and say a prayer between the coffins on each side. personally this would freak me out, but to each their own.

i thought this was creepy with all the stone angels, but maybe it's just that doctor who episode influencing my mind.

admittedly, i haven't been in too many graveyards, but i don't remember seeing gravestones with inset photographs before. this effect is more jarring when it's a recent photograph.

i like seeing what has been left on the graves.

there are a lot of eastern europeans buried there along with all the italian and irish people.

i now plan to make a bust of my boyfriend and stick it on his grave, so he can look dignified for all eternity.

the cemetery is so big that you can forget you're in the city until you look up and see the skyline.

i need to take more trips to random places and take pictures. these are all crappy pics, i need to practice more.

pills and i went to abc carpet and home because she had a gift card, but when we got there we were overcome with rage over the prices. like, you'd pick something up and expect it to be somewhat expensive, and then find it was at least $500 more than you'd originally thought. like, there was a PAPER MOBILE that cost $100. anyway, we found this display of quartz eggs, and they only cost $5, so we bought them since apparently quartz eggs are the only thing we can afford. the egg is in the photo above, i told hankshiny that the blythe hatched it.

i ordered these so lexie and i can make MINERAL MAKEUP! i'm sure the minerals are crap and that the end product will be like chalk, but who cares.

hankshiny's mom got me this box as a bday present a while ago, i forgot to take pictures of it. it's tiny and has all these cool scenes carved into it. i think she bought it from a russian street vendor who claimed he made them, but who knows. for all i know, it was made in a factory.

i recently put all the living room dolls into random costumes. so one is a ninja, one is a chef, etc. i do these things and then complain that i don't have enough free time.

i went back to the podiatrist and got a cast taken of my foot. i should have my support soon and then i will have to buy new shoes. he showed me my x-rays, i do not have bone spurs on my heels, which means the fasciitis hasn't been going on for that long. i also have abnormal spacing between the bones of my toes, which apparently indicates my nerve pinching problem. stupid feet. i am seriously thinking about getting sterilized because i would feel so guilty if i passed all my medical problems on to my children. SERIOUSLY.

i am also starting to have some knee pain, just like he said i would. D: D:

Poll quick

poll, stuff, adventures, illness, dolls, books

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