:examines dust:
:blows away cobwebs:
Hullo my little LJ chums. I know that this LJ has been a barren wasteland of nothingness since August. I've been working hard on my manuscript, which I can't really talk about at the moment but I will do in the new year.
It's been a manic few months, the headlines of which are:
- FantasyCon 2011 in Brighton - I managed to miss the brouhaha about the BFS Awards but the convention itself was great fun and I particularly enjoyed the panels with Guest of Honour John Ajvide Lindqvist (best known for his wonderful novel LET THE RIGHT ONE IN) who was thoroughly inspirational and a really good laugh - I particularly loved his comments on the making of the Swedish version of his film with Thomas Alfredson (who directed the recent adaptation of TINKER, TAILOR, SOLDIER, SPY which you should all go and see because it's terrific).
- Arvon Retreat in Inverness - ended up meeting a number of people I'd previously done Arvon courses with, made a lot of progress on the book, cooked Dauphinoise potatoes all by myself and no one died as a result and just had a brilliant time. I'm really hoping to go back again next year.
- Legends of Literature - those kind folks at
My Favourite Books were invited to an event at Puffin Towers where Claire Armistead interviewed children's and YA literary legends David Almond and Melvin Burgess and foolishly asked me if I wanted to go. The link takes you to my attempt to summarise what was discussed, but you should check out MFB in any event because they're good folks passionate about books, writing and publishing so it's a good resource.
- Birthday - yes, I had another one. Quiet day spent on my own but I did top it off with going to see AN AMERICAN IN PARIS, which is showing as part of a musicals series at the National Film Theatre.
- flu - unfortunately I've been off for the last fortnight with a really bad bout of 'flu. Ironically, I'd had the flu jab 2 weeks before I caught it - just one week short of getting all the antibodies to it. Anyway, I don't recommend having it. You should all avoid getting it.
I have been better at updating my book review LJ at
quippe, which gives you an idea of how my reading has gone this year. Sadly I think I'm going to be just shy of my 100 books target, which I'm blaming on whatever comes into my head closer to 31st December.
I'm also very active on Twitter (@carolinehooton) where you can see my views on everything from Young Apprentice (the words "Shut up, Harry" have been used a lot) and I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here (gutted that Fatima Whitbread went out tonight - classy lady with a lot of determination).
And I think that's about it. Apart from the DoS attacks on LJ what else has been going on?
:throws microphone over to you: