Oct 05, 2004 01:44
thrusday night we all went out to a club called allcomy. i got out of work @ 10 and went back to the dorm. everyone was so wasted so to catch up i chugged that rasberry bacardi stuff. that was a big mistake. by the time we got to the club i was gone. i danced with nick the whole time bc i couldnt find anyone else and i was afraid that i meet to guy and he'd take me away somewhere and rape me or something. i know that sounds weird but people think like that when they're drunk. so i stuck w/ nick and i was stumbling and he was holding me up and shit and im pretty sure we kissed (not positive though, i havent talk to him since then). then we went back to the dorm, i couldnt find my license and i was bugging out. once i found it i chucked it in the air and started bugging out, so nick and dulka were one their hands and knees for like 30 min looking for it. and when nick finally found it i was on the bunk bed. i was so happy i jumped off. thank god kevin caught me. by that point everyone was so sobber i felt like such an idiot. the next day i was sp hungover i missed class and fell asleep in the shower lol.