Jan 12, 2006 12:08
Guys! the way I see it they are spending their money and time to travel down here and picket or whatever. Just let them, no one will take them seriously, their time and money will just go to waste as will their cause, so why should you spend your time on trying to damn something that is already in hell?? They will be "protesting" out side of school during school hours...no one will see them, and if the press covers it, it will only be in a very miniscule way and will make the picketers cause even more void for I think that to see radicals doing such will only instill more people to join the cause. Also, if you do counter with something like equally offensive signs the chances of the press coming and will increase and in the case of what that one person said their sign was gonna say "Fred Phelps is a C*nt!" do you really your face broadcast over the greater tampa area holding a sign like that? Would that make your parents proud? I agree that this is fucked up but come on people, it is getting you where they want you...all worked up!