Question: is there REALLY not a Leverage kink meme? *is aghast*
Secondly: GUESS WHAT
Poll OAT OAT OAT OPPLES AND BONONOSEvery time I say "motherfuckers" I feel like I should apologize to people with incest kinks. Or incest squicks. Or moms.
usakeh , in her lovely loveliness, got me the latest season of Doctor Who. I opened the package when I was at a rehearsal, and I think my reaction lost me ANY respect my actors had left for me. It is possible that I drooled a little bit. And by 'possible,' I mean: the stage manager had to fetch a mop.
usakeh ALSO got me paid LJ time, which is how I got to do that lovely poll!
In other news: I MIGHT BE DIRECTING ROMEO AND JULIET NEXT SEMESTER. My proposal will be approved/rejected over the next few weeks - they almost never reject them, but doing a 14-person Shakespearean tragedy in a studio show with no budget miiiiight raise a few warning flags. To which I say: "But their love is so saaaaad! I WANT TO PLAY WITH IT."
I am drawn to angst like a psychotic child is drawn to roadkill.
In the past few days I wrote two fics for
whitecollarswap , and am actually happy with them! They'll be posted within the next couple of weeks (they're putting together the calendar now). And I'm working on a Leverage fic that I think was for a prompt that I seem to have lost. WHERE IS THE KINK MEME? FOR REALS. O.o
Weight loss is going well - I've lost THIRTY POUNDS. \o/ My arm muscles are seriously bitchin'. I CAN DO PUSH-UPS. HEAR ME ROAR!
There's this one fic that I've been working on for a while, that I had about 3-4k for, all on my computer-that-is-now-dead. That makes me sad. *sads*
You know what would make me happier? ANOTHER POLL!!!!!!!!!!!
Poll I think I may have a problem. ...I can't remember why I put "bondage" in my subject line. I had something to say about it.
*searches memory*
*finds nothing*
*searches google docs*
*finds something!*
Here is a lonely little snippet:
Peter grabbed a handful of flesh, squeezing it tight. "I didn't want to spank you again, Neal. It's going to make the rest of our plans for the evening a little more unpleasant." He sighed and laid another hit on the dark red skin. "I really thought we'd taught you better." Neal whimpered, face pressed against the stairs, holding onto the belt that tied his hands to the banister with a white-knuckled grip.
"Make sure you stay quiet. I know the first hit's always hardest for you, but it'll be three extra if you make any sound. Do you understand?" Neal nodded. There was a ring gag in his mouth so that he couldn't talk - but it also made it harder for him to stay silent. He couldn't clench his teeth, or bite his lip - Peter'd let him make noise after the first ten or so hits. Hopefully. He clenched his hands around the belt, closed his eyes, and waited for the first stroke of the paddle.