CBT Solves Everything

Jul 03, 2010 15:19


I just got back from two days of rocking in the Windy City with two wonderful ladies! I'm so glad my work computer crashed and my supervisor decided to be lenient, because I had an absolutely lovely time.

Except for now I am totally bummed to be home.  *sad sigh*

So I got into Chicago late Wednesday night and met
ashcat and
afiawri, who are even more wonderful in person than they are online. Which is saying something, 'cause they are HELLA COOL on the webz. I hope I was not too much of a weirdo in comparison. O.o

I flailed for a while, ate chocolate, then we read each other love poems and began our Ongoing Quest for good. Chicago did NOT want us to eat after 7pm.

I feel like I should apologize for my sleeping habits. See, not only do I go to bed at 11pm because my inner child is actually an 80-year-old man, but I also had to have a bed to myself (I DID TRY TO SLEEP ON THE FLOOR, but Ash mom!glared me onto a mattress). Thing is, right, is I flail in my sleep. And not just 'oh, I feel like turning over now.' I flail in enthusiastic, violent, and dangerous ways. And I really did not want to punch my new super-awesome-friends in the face. (REALLY I AM VERY NICE, I PROMISE! Just not when I'm writing. Or asleep. My subconscious has issues...)

Thursday we ate terrifyingly squishy eggs, drooled over the new pics of Matt "Holy Shit Look at his Nipples" Bomer, and went to the art museum! I'd forgotten how much I love Pollock. I dunno why, he just WORKS for me.

Thursday night we called, no joke, at least ten different places trying to get delivery for dinner. Like, SERIOUSLY, Chicago. I know I need to diet, BUT THIS AIN'T HOW I WANNA GET STARTED. Thankfully we found a Chipotle within walking distance. OM NOM GUACAMOLE NOM.

Yesterday we walked around, went to a Panera, and wrote PORN! It was weird to have the conversations we normally have through chat in person. I do actually flail, so it was nice to be able to do it and not have to also type it, but making this face: O.o is harder to do in reality. I'MMA WORK ON IT FOR NEXT TIME.  I worked on my new Who fic, 
afiawri wrote porn that MELTED MAH BRAIN (I cannot wait to read all of her kink bingo stories) and Ash started another Hi-Excuse-Me-While-I-Redefine-Your-Emotional-Canon fic. *happy sigh*

ALSO, Ash bought me post-it-note-tabs. WATCH OUT, GRAD SCHOOl. I AM COMING FOR YOU.

To sum up: buses were ridden, streets were walked, magazines were purchased, deep-dish Chicago style pizza was devoured, and porn was written. Good times were had by all (except for maybe the folks in the rooms around us in the hotel, we squeed kind of a lot...).

We absolutely need to have more WC get togethers. A lot of us are Midwest-centered, yeah? But it would also be pretty sweet to join up in NYC (Elr, I AM LOOKIN' AT YOU!). This was my first time meeting online folks IRL, and it was way better than I'd hoped for. I had a great time (and while I did flail like a spazz and sing Classic Rock a lot) I did not accidentally insult anyone's lineage, walk into any revolving doors, or get run over by a taxi cab. SUCCESS!

Now I'm back at work, troubleshooting people's iPhones. Seriously, y'all. If something electronic isn't working, TURN THE MOTHERFUCKIN' DEVICE OFF AND THEN BACK ON AGAIN. IT AIN'T THAT FUCKIN' HARD.

Nostalgia and rage,

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happenings at home, i am not unlike a small nervous dog, grad school, yay!capitalism, me and your iphone are bffs, ramble, my flist is an awesome flist, my so-called life

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