May 18, 2010 23:11
So is there, like, some THING we're supposed to do with the title? Like, they're all " _____ (the Something Poetic Remix)" but is there some sort of standard put-that-thingy-there process? Thank goodness we have until the 23rd to edit these things! \o/
(God, I am a twelve year old boy, I keep laughing at my own HA HA THAT COULD ALSO BE APPLIED TO SEXINGS phrases...)
I am sort of torn about my remix fics. I wrote two because I pinch hit(ted?) one. Heh. Pinch hit also sounds dirty to me. (I was going to try and do something witty with that-one-baseball-metaphor, but I do not play baseball. Swing for both sides? Play? Hit? Pitch? IDK, I played soccer.) I like parts of both of them a lot, but I dunno about how they work as either stand-alones or as remixed fics.
I am TOTALLY psyched to see what got written for me though!!!!!!!!!! Well, not FOR me, it is not a gift exchange thing, but I can't wait to see what my remixer did with my fic - or even just to see which one they chose! Man. I should have done a 'dear remixer' letter. I WILL DO ONE BELATEDLY:
Dear Remixer,
Sorry you got stuck with me. I WRITE LOTS AND LOTS OF PORN. I hope you had (or have, if you're still editting) a lot of fun! I know I will be thrilled with whatever you wrote (are writing, YOU PROCRASTINATOR). You can do whatever you want, I'm sure I'll love it!
Which is about an hour, I have the attention span of a
Bored with writing this letter now,
p.s. XOXO
How do y'all feel about your remixes?
Also, I am already trying to decide what I am going to buy when I Have Money (after I put away enough for first/last months rent):
Poll MY FLIST RUNS MY LIFEGod, I wish I could actually buy a whole colony of starfish. THEY REGROW LIMBS, PEOPLE.
poll i like you y/y,
my flist is an awesome flist,
writing for: remix