I just e-mailed in my letter of resignation.
I'm now working only one part-time job. This is the least I've worked since...May, I think? Not counting the beginning of January, when I was bedridden with the sciatica/back pain from the herniated disc. It's so much better, but acts up if I sit for too long, or sit in bad chairs. (WHICH, ALSO, WHY ARE THERE SO MANY SHITTY CHAIRS IN THE WORLD? Shouldn't we have figured out CHAIRS by now? Jeez.)
I have enough money to make February's rent. And my folks will help me out if I can't make March's. I've had really good luck getting jobs so far (I apply like a fiend and I interview well). Hopefully I'll find something good by mid-February. That's my yay!plan. My back-up plan, if all else fails, is to move to St. Louis, where my parents have an empty floor in their house, and will trade me walking their three ridiculous dogs twice a day for rent money.
Since I've been in school for so many years, and moved around so much, this is only the second time I've had to quit a job for a reason other than "Soon, I will be in a different state!"
I'm going to go bury my stress in coffee and teen!Clint meeting teen!Natasha, then proudly bringing her back to Coulson like a cat leaving a mouse on the doorstep. "LOOK WHAT I BRUNG YOU! Whoops it's still alive and has claws and teeth. I LOVE IT EVEN MORE PLEASE CAN WE KEEP IT?"
http://hoosierbitch.dreamwidth.org/103655.html |
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