Mar 07, 2010 20:18
I'm in a crappy hotel in a crappy town, I've got two solid days of the grad school interview process starting tomorrow, and I just got my fucking period. Normally I would take the next 24 hours off, dope myself up with painkillers, and wait for it to pass. But I've got to sit in uncomfortable chairs and look nice and be smart and I just *hurt*. My right side has a muscle cramp bad enough I can't straighten my arm, my lower back hurts to the touch, I'm cramping and bloated and I don't have my pain meds, or muscle relaxers, and I can't even buy alcohol because it's Sunday, and this is the Midwest, and Jesus Would Not Approve.
I'm tired and disappointed and worried and hurting and crying.
Sorry this is horribly whiny and mean, I just need to vent. Any links to fics or vids or anything you think is especially great would be appreciated - I need distracting.
oh god i'm bleeding,
why does my body hate me,
my so-called life,
my flist is an awesome flist